

Covid 19..

Between us, josh and I are well prepared for current times. I was a home educating parent, and at the time the government had a thing about truancy. The feeling that we may be stopped and questioned about why our school age kids are not in school was a horrible experience, and worse for our kids.

But it was normal.

The thrill of panic buying, though in this case it strikes me as sensible to have a two weeks supply set aside to tide a person through their illness... The electric thrill and deeply unsettling unease that runs underneath, fueling the need to over stock is absolutely OCD.  The difference is, designated or labelled ' sufferers ask 'is this a second thought, a reaction to a reaction?'

When is your hand washing more than rational. At what point is it a ritual, a compulsion? 

Right now, seems to me, typical 'mental health' issues are no longer mental health.

Of course I'd argue that they never were.

People deal with anxiety through ritual and compulsion... 
