Out of the sectioning..

The 28 days were up. We collected Service User for two days leave. A bittersweet experience....On the morning of the return day, after an extremely minimal conversation with the psychiatrist by phone, during which I was just asked if things were ok, I was told that that was it. Service User is discharged.

We went to the shops and bought biscuits and chocolate for the staff, and returned at our usual time.

Service User picked up his Respiridone, and we left!

Home visit team due on Sunday. I was reassured to hear that the doctor who had threatened service user with sectioning - Dr Cho -  and who I regard as a part of why service user attempted suicide, has left...I was never clear in my own mind if I should push my complaint forward. Perhaps I should have, but I didn't...still, I made it clear to everyone what happened, and I'd like to think it had an effect.


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