Realising that OCD fits the symptoms demonstrated by ex-Service User explains why the SSRI and anti-psychotic drugs had zero effect on his repetitive, endless, self-recriminations.
The stuff about Satan and Christ and being in Hell were fueled by morphine, Tramadol and the rest of the drugs, while his obsessional, compulsive thinking magnifies any emotive thing that crosses his mind. And it will remain so until he realises that he is the cause of his own despair.
This is what his aunt suffers from, his Granddad too, to a lesser extent. It is ugly and pointless and the article (from which that section in blue comes) describes it as hopeless...
So Simon George (or is it George Simon?) is all we are left with as a guide.
How many people are in our position?
How many families around the country are trying not to get sucked into the whirlpool of mental torment and twaddle OCD creates?
The thing we need to work on - that is husband and I - is how to avoid enabling...
The thirty day notice to move out, may or may not have been unreasonable, I can't tell.
Instead there is a new notice to quit date, which is April 11th (one year since the start of all this).
There are targets to be reached every month - August is dealing with hyper-vigilance - meaning I need to see serious attempts by ex-Service User that he is beginning to recognise when a wave of anxiety begins.
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