Inner adult and GTD.

Almost impossible to write because details would be needed to make sense, and I'm not going to go into any...

Just know, two major crashes this afternoon.
Both times I suggested Service User wash his face in cold water (the day is very hot) and this helps bring him back.

Both times his crash was about his feelings coming back, frustration and pain and self hatred.

So, this cannot be.
After I allowed myself a brief period of uncontrollable sobbing, we both sat at the table, my copy of Getting Things Done before me. I read from the opening lines, about how it is possible to clear your mind and allow yourself to feel spacious, rather than crushed!

From GTD I quickly pulled out this exercise:

I asked him:
"Write down a problem you wish to make into a project".
"write down what it would be like if this problem was solved"
"Write down the first step in moving towards the outcome you have chosen".

He wrote down:
  • 1/ hyper-vigilance.
  • 2/ not being hyper-vigilant.
  • 3/ having three ways to reduce my anxiety.
The first thing I found are arguments against maintaining hypervigilance:
  1.  Hypervigilance (scanning for danger) doesn't actually prevent danger.
  2.  Hyperviligance keeps you in a perpetual state of fear, creating the very same experience you have been attempting to avoid.
  3.  Hypervigilance doesn't help you make predictions, or prepare you to cope with difficulty.
  4.  Hypervigilance may cause you to make mistakes, and to confuse harmlessness with dangerousness.
  5.  Hypervigilance may make you fatigued and accident prone, creating potential new hazards.
  6.  Hypervigilance may make you miss other important cues in the environment, which require your attention for optimal performance and connecting with others.
  7.  Hypervigilance may cause you to miss what is meaningful and valuable in your life.
I thoroughly recommend this page link... 

The page also recommends mindfulness, and asking yourself what your wise inner adult would do. Very briefly we talked about inner child vs inner wise adult and both of us really couldn't see much point in expecting a sobbing, distraught inner child to be in control!

We left it at that point.

Basically when I picked up GTD my wise inner adult had taken charge of me.
So yeah...


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