How to reframe..

Only a re-frame can help.

In theory you can re-frame anything
Take your dearest, most precious belief...
And give it a go!

The important part to realize is...
You can't know what is true.

A re-frame works on the principal that if you can think it, it exists.

If you feel your mind begin to bubble and boil at this idea...
Well yes...
Of course...

Beware your grip on reality..why believe what hurts you?
Why, as the Stoics would have told upset when bad things happen, just re-frame them..

All the world is relative.
All truth subjective

Black is only black in relation to white.

Regardless of my use of the re-frame, I believe that being able to re-frame is the art of the politician, the liar and the survivor. A re-frame is how to repackage the inedible - add enough fat and sugar and anything can be made to taste if not good, then at least ok..

I use it as a survival tool.
Distress is expensive in terms of energy and bad for me...

Makes me want to drink loads and eat nothing but cake and pasta...
And watch box sets I haven't got.

If you think I sound like someone who feels that she is beaten, dis-empowered, at the mercy of forces beyond herself...

Well yeah.
Without the £6000+ per week to pay for a private hospital place, what are we left with?
At the moment, best case scenario is that Service User continues to agree before he gets sectioned.


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