18.5 days latter.

I've spent most of today writing this blog.
It has been my therapy.
I make no apologies for my negative turn of mind.
I'm stressed.
I'm not happy.
But I can do better.

Yesterday and today I gave up, yesterday in particular after seeing the rage.
I was frightened.
But, now I'm not.
Or rather I'm now aware that it is there, the discomfort I was feeling is validated, so I can accept my heightened sense of anxiety - it makes sense.

Feeling what I'm feeling
Think of Gendlin and his Focus technique...
Congruence isn't about peace and happiness, it is about authenticity.

OK, so I let yesterday and today just go....
Now I need to formulate a logical plan.

Firstly what do I think of Person-centered, Humanistic approaches.
Is it the right thing to validate someone's experience so that they will feel their own inconsistency and inevitably wake up?

Rogers was clear in his own mind that the six necessary conditions were all that is needed...for clarity to dawn.

But what happens when there is no self recognition?

The cover isn't the problem

The feelings underneath the cover, are the problem ..

Lack of affect.
He isn't distressed.

This is the impossible part of this for me...
He is distressed but he doesn't feel it.
His face shows it, his body experiences it.
He does not...

I have no idea how to unravel this.
I understand exactly how my husband's sister came to be left to literally rot...

When a person has zero wish to change themselves
It is really hard.


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