On having one's house smashed up.

I sit in the bathroom. Earplugs in. Going to college, so I'll stop writing this and have a shower soon.

House, kitchen extending upward to living room, and including his bedroom....dents and holes in the walls.

Violence isn't predictable. I just stand still and try not to curl up in a ball and weep.

So, what gets me is, why do the drugs companies sell drugs for mental ' health' issues as if they are a cure? For one, how can something that disconnects a person from their feeling- processing enable a person to gain control of themselves?

But second, what's wrong with being honest, and providing some kind of sedative....ah yes, that was the word. Once!

Well yeah, I'm beginning to get it. For the sake of the sane, psychotic folk need an off button....and the only way a psychotic person can be drugged is to make out that the drug is therapeutic...

So? So, we endure. Because the drug root is non scientific, possibly harmful, not curative....

Haha funny, a friend asked me if I'd been to the GP, for me. What, to be offered some bloody Citalopram! No she said, to check your blood pressure.

I bought a kit.
And a fit-bit thing.
All part of my investigation into the ANS ( see Porges theory).


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