Spitting feathers.
You know what...
My tutor was so right when she said
"Always trust your gut feelings!"
After I sat in the candle-lit darkness of the bathroom
Trying to pull my heart back together...
I didn't know why I was so upset.
Slowly over the weekend it has dawned upon me exactly why there is no hope.
Please, think about this for a moment: Service User has a story which is crazy, but nevertheless, there is something workable in there.
But the staff of the mental health team have not been open or honest with us. I'd say that they have lied. They make me feel powerless, they have made me feel that I am wrong to ask questions. They have pressurized us into agreeing with their single answer to all problems (take the meds) and they have used hospitalization as a threat.
This is how they treat people.
Service User was screaming at the thought of seeing them the week before.
That's how much better they make him feel.
Happy, cared for?
Last week he just left the house and my husband had to go looking for him.
Talking to them makes me feel depressed because their agenda is so bloody reductive!
I am beginning to see why suicide.
Anxiety and depression are bad enough, people telling you there is no hope for you unless you do what you are told...
Screw you.
I have listened to a lot of EBM in my time and suicide often figures in that kind of music...as an act of freedom and rebellion.
Never understood why
Until now.
Their strategy has been to turn us against service User's right to self determination.
To negate his will and wishes.
I agree, he is mad...
But madness is surely a kind of healing, a convoluted, messed up response to something...
A symptom isn't the cause..
I don't consider refusing to take medication as self-harming...
So the parents and family echo the loop 'you wont get better without taking your drugs' subtext 'you can't get better unless you do what we say'
So, suicide as freedom and rebellion.
It is doing what they most fear....
Of course it isn't, but I can see how it (as a symbol) can feel as if it is...
And the pressure
If he doesn't take the meds...
He will have to go (take my son!)
Subtext 'so now you will make him do what we say he has to do'...
My husband read Rethink's site while I sat in the dark
He had found out that Service User is on his way to being sectioned under section 3 of the Mental Health Act.
This means that he will be treated against his will for 3 months. After 3 months, staff can only treat him without his consent if a ‘second opinion approved doctor’ approves the treatment...
I feel physically sick when I think of this.
ECT for instance?
Drugged up to the eye balls...
The appearance of Mindfulness lady with a social worker was the give away...
And that informal chat dressed up as counselling.
More fool me.
I have no idea what I said.
I hope to god I made it plain how I feel.
I know I tried to explain I have felt used, by the threat of hospitalization.
How unhelpful it was to make us feel that we had to force Service User to take his drugs just to avoid the hospital...
So, here is the letter.
Please modify to make it your own.
I sent a copy to the hospital.
The psychiatrist will get the original when he turns up tomorrow.
Have some non-suicidal EBM..
Of course it isn't, but I can see how it (as a symbol) can feel as if it is...
And the pressure
If he doesn't take the meds...
He will have to go (take my son!)
Subtext 'so now you will make him do what we say he has to do'...
My husband read Rethink's site while I sat in the dark
He had found out that Service User is on his way to being sectioned under section 3 of the Mental Health Act.
This means that he will be treated against his will for 3 months. After 3 months, staff can only treat him without his consent if a ‘second opinion approved doctor’ approves the treatment...
I feel physically sick when I think of this.
ECT for instance?
Drugged up to the eye balls...
The appearance of Mindfulness lady with a social worker was the give away...
And that informal chat dressed up as counselling.
More fool me.
I have no idea what I said.
I hope to god I made it plain how I feel.
I know I tried to explain I have felt used, by the threat of hospitalization.
How unhelpful it was to make us feel that we had to force Service User to take his drugs just to avoid the hospital...
So, here is the letter.
Please modify to make it your own.
I sent a copy to the hospital.
The psychiatrist will get the original when he turns up tomorrow.
Dear Dr --,
I wish to make clear my objections to a proposal to detain my son (name) under the Mental Health Act 1983: Part II. Section 3.
I disagree that --- is suffering from a mental disorder of a nature or degree which makes it appropriate for him to receive medical treatment in a hospital; and that it is necessary for his health or his safety, or for the protection of other persons that he should receive such treatment because it cannot be provided unless he is detained under this section.
I wish to make clear that anything discussed with ---- or ---- on Friday does not constitute informed consent for Service User's detention.
Yours Sincerely
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