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The 3lack 3ox.

 I have another blog here [+] I thought perhaps I should turn it into a book? Here is how it begins. -- This story starts and ends at a place few of us visit, or return from unscathed.  Come with me! I invite you to imagine a beach, it is a grey and cold day. The sand is hazy and it shifts uneasily. Suddenly I realize that I’m walking closer to the waves than I want to be. Sand is difficult to navigate. Its surface reconfigures rapidly under the force of wind, wave and time. Nothing here is solid.  A labyrinth of dunes to our right brings sharp memories, like marram grass, brittle needles. There is no boundary fence to be seen, no indication of how far this zone of dunes extends, or if we will have energy enough to ever climb out. We wont go there, or at least not today.  A sense of exhaustion.  To our left, the sea is a lethal movement, a fight between the august gravities of moon and sun. It pulls me towards my drowning, towards darkness and oblivion. Towards ...

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